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How to remove a already deployed application from cRIO-9002 controller.

Hello All,
          We have Built an RT application and deployed in cRIO-9002. It works fine......... whenever we reboot the controller the application starts running  automatically(as expected). But now we want to remove this application and deploy another one. How to go about it. Because whenever we try to download another application, this application stops running and encounters an error #2( memory full).
Please suggest a way to clear the memory (or remove the old application).
Labview Lovers
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Message 1 of 7


To disable your current startup application on the 9002, you can just place the "No App" DIP switch to the ON position and reset the controller.  You should then be able to download your new code to the unit without a problem.  One thing to keep in mind when working with a cRIO system is that only one top-level FPGA VI can be on the system at any given time (since each bitfile configures the entire FPGA), but you can have multiple Real-Time VI's running. 


Matt Pollock
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 7


I read your reply. but I don't follow your last part ("One thing to keep in mind when working with a cRIO system is that only one top-level FPGA VI can be on the system at any given time (since each bitfile configures the entire FPGA), but you can have multiple Real-Time VI's running"). could you explain more or give an example? thanks a million!


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Message 3 of 7
He is basically saying that you can only run one FPGA file at a time on the crio systems. You can run multiple RT vi's though.

Say you have two FPGA files saved in a project. Possibly they are using the same hardware configurations but do different things. You cannot run them both at once. You have to be running one or the other. You can however be running a bunch of VIs that are not FPGA.
[will work for kudos]
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Message 4 of 7
In addition to using the "noApp" switch to disable the "startup.rtexe" you can also set the rt ini file to not run the startup.rtexe.  You can do this by manually editing the ini file on the rt controller, or you can right click on the build specification in the project and select "unset as startup".  It should be noted that these proceedures will only stop the appliction from running on startup.  It won't delete the application from the controller.  However if you build again, and re-deploy, LabVIEW willl replace the "startup.exe" with the new on.  If you need to remove the startup.rtexe then manually delete the startup.exe using an ftp client.
LV RT only supports a single startup.rtexe file  Generally you would build your top level RT vi the startup.rtexe then if needed this top level vi can call any sub vi's or dynamically linked vis. If you don't have any dynamically linked vis, LabVIEW will build all you RT subvis (and the FPGA bit file) into the startup.rtexe. 

Message 5 of 7
When you deploy an FPGA vi to your CompactRIO, you are actually reconfiguring the chip inside the chassis.  One FPGA vi corresponds to a complete mapping of the chip.  Since there is only one chip, it is not possible to deploy more than one FPGA vi at the same time.

On the other hand, the Real-Time controller of the CompactRIO is basically a tiny PC, which a regular microprocessor that is capable of running multiple programs simultaenously.
Eric V
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer

"I'm a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech and a helluva (NI Applications) Engineer!"
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Message 6 of 7

How do I get the Ni Auth??

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Message 7 of 7