07-08-2016 02:49 AM
Yea, I guess the problem is strictly with labview programming on FPGA, as camera is giving fine image with another software after pluging it to the PC.
07-08-2016 02:50 AM
Ok that is good to know. So we will concentrate on the code. Did you change anything else in the code (e.g. the configuration)?
07-08-2016 02:58 AM
I have changed CL Data To Pixels.vi to 2-Tap 10-bit configuration, as my camera is in this mode. I did it according to those steps: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/EA1727D8D620B81F8625797B0072257C. I also changed buffer size, as I was getting errors with DMA write timeout.
Nothing more changed I guess.
07-08-2016 03:24 AM
So you changed it back from 8tap 8 bit as you described first?
07-08-2016 03:29 AM
Yes, because I thought it will be easier to change only one parameter, but it didn't help me actually.
07-08-2016 06:36 AM
Ok, now I am pretty much sure that my black window is caused because of the 'Data' from Invoke Metod DMA FIFO. I realised that the array which is coming out of the 'Data' is full of zeros (black colour). What can cause this problem of zeros?
07-13-2016 05:38 AM
The Zeros can have multiple reasons. First you need to check the configuration of the camera (in the example: configure camera link). Is everything set in a way that its is supported by your camera?
Also check the serial communication (serial interface). Is everything correct there?