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Using fstream in Vxworks C++ shared library



I am trying to create a .out shared library in C++ for use with the Labview 2015 Model Interface Toolkit

on a cRIO-9024 running Vxworks. 


I am using the gnu toolchain provided here  in a Windows XP environment and compiling against the 2015 NIVeristand Model Framework.


The shared library is intended to read a set of parameters from a text file before executing its update step.


I can successfully create and run the library without the file reading component, however when I attempt to use the functions in fstream (specifically the ifstream object) the library builds and links apparently without errors but on deployment to the cRIO gives the error:


Model Interface Toolkit : Failed to load file model


My suspicion is that I am not linking against the correct libraries although attempting to link against libstdc++.a (which I believe is needed for fstream) makes no difference. I would like to ask


1. Does anyone have experience of a similar issue? Is it necessary to explicitly link against libstdc++.a?

2. Is there a way of obtaining more detail on the error than the 'Failed to load...' messsage? 

3. Is there a particular version of the Vxworks kernel required to use the file reading functionality? 


I have attached the makefile I am using .


Many thanks.



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Message 1 of 3

1) I've not seen this issue previously. There is some information about compiling models using the NI Veristand Model Framework here:


There is also a list of known issues here:


2) The only information about the message fail to load with model interface toolkit I can find is here: 


3) As far as I know a .out should work on Vxworks, there is information on compatability here: 


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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for your reply. My suspicion is that the issue might be with the VxWorks Kernel configuration. In order to use the iostream class (which is needed for fstream) , the VxWorks Kernel configuration needs to include this functionality . I have not managed to figure out which configuration is installed by Labview .

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