Real-Time Measurement and Control

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waveform generation in real time

Currently, I am using a PXI with a FPGA module to do waveform form injection.  I would store all the samples of 1 cycle of the waveform in the block RAM and achieve/output them via the FPGA.  Can I do similar waveform injection with real time only?  What ware the limitation?  Thanks!


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Message 1 of 7

Hi jyang72211,


When you say waveform injection, do you mean you are writing data out on your R-series card i.e. an analog output task? What card and controller are you using?

Rahul B.
Message 2 of 7

Yes, writting data out on on R-series.  I am using a PXI-7833R at the moment.  The real time option is not available.  I am just wondering can I do that in real time.  


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Message 3 of 7

Hey jyang,


You can't generate a signal out of an R-series card without going through the FPGA because all of the I/O channels go through the FPGA. Along those lines, Scan Engine is not possible on an R-series card as is on a cRIO (though if you were trying to run Scan Engine on an R-series card, you would basically have a DAQ card).

Rahul B.
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Message 4 of 7

I understandt hat for my device, I can only generate the waveform through the FPGA.  I am wondering can I use a real time device to do the same thing.




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Message 5 of 7

Hi jyang72211,


I'm sorry if I misunderstood. Are you asking whether you can use a normal PXI Analog Output card to generate a waveform using your PXI RT controller? If so, that is possible; you would just program in LabVIEW and deploy to your RT target as normal.

Rahul B.
Message 6 of 7

What are the pros and cons in doing waveform injection in real time versus fpga?


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Message 7 of 7