Sheffield LabVIEW User Group

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Yorkshire LabVIEW User Group Meeting

Venue: Kommune, Kommunity Room, Castle House, Angel St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S3 8LS

Date: 17th October 2024

Time: 5.30 - 8 pm

Format: Presentations followed by social and networking


Join us for pizza, and your first beer or a soft drink, on us.


Building on the success of the Sheffield LabVIEW User Group we are delighted to invite you to the inaugural Yorkshire LabVIEW User Group meeting and social.

The evening will include some informative technical presentations followed by the opportunity to meet with other LabVIEW users in the region and exchange tips and case studies.



17:30  Welcome - Austin Consultants

17:40 National Instruments - presentation tbc

18:00 Steve Willoughby - Farnell
gRPC: LabVIEW interface to remote systems
Using gRPC as a way to link a LabVIEW application to a Raspberry Pi running a standalone control system in Python 

18:30  Chris Knight - Beckhoff
LabVIEW and safety, using TwinSAFE and TF3710 to bring safety into LabVIEW
A look at how LabVIEW can leverage the TwinSAFE system and Safety over EtherCAT, to bring Safety logic back into LabVIEW. Including good ways to optimise the communication for LabVIEW applications.

19:00  David Catto - Austin Consultants
High-Speed Serial
What is it, and what does it have to do with LabVIEW?

19:30  Networking and social

Please register here to attend or for further information.

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Thanks to the fantastic presenters and everyone who came along to what was a great meeting. 


Presentations from the evening can be downloaded here.


We look forward to seeing you next time!

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