I have a torque transducer which has 4 wire cables. Two cables are for the excitation of 10 V and two are for the sensor's output. The output will be given in terms of mV/V. It is linear with the torque. I am trying to use NI 9237 C series strain gauge to obtain my output voltage. I am using NI Crio chassis and trying to obtain the measurement from LabVIEW. I have gone through numerous NI 9237-related posts and couldn't understand how to connect my torque transducer for the NI 9237 (I have a RJ 50 cable and NI 9949).
NI 9237 has different configurations such as the quarter bridge, half-bridge and full bridge. The following link (https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000PA73SAG&l=en-NZ), says in different configurations, different resistors need to be connected.
I would like to know if I am using full bridge configurations, do I need to add external resistors as such? According to my understanding, since the output of the torque transducer is linear, it acts as a full bridge. It will be only a matter of connecting the output terminals and the excitation terminals (I am trying to use the internal excitation voltage of 10 V in NI 9237).
Thank you for your time and effort.
Kind regards