07-30-2015 11:10 AM
07-31-2015 06:56 PM
In order to know if your equipment is able to measure the forces, we need to know what amount of voltage is being output. Once the expected output of the strain gage is known, it will be easier to determine how to amplify the device because you will have a better idea of the expected signal.
08-02-2015 03:29 AM
08-03-2015 06:38 PM
If you are only getting clear results when the mass is above 1 kg, do you have an option to use a different strain gage? If the signal isn't strong enough, the subsequent data will be of little use.
08-04-2015 09:11 AM
08-05-2015 08:32 AM
Are you using any filtering? A low pass filter should be able to clean up your noise and pull out the signal you're interested in if it is present. However, if the signal is smaller than the specifications of your module and the DAQ, your current set up will not work. You should look at what the strain gage output will be using the small mass and compare that to the hardware specifications. If it is not within the limits, you will need to change your setup to get reliable data.
08-06-2015 03:16 AM
08-06-2015 07:26 AM
Your output is so small that the amplifier might have a hard time reading the signal, which will still leave you with a problem. You could test it if you have the equipment, but overall you will have better results if you have a higher output from the strain gage. I would recommend you switch either your bar to be one that will strain much more easily, or getting a strain gage that can pick up the extremely small strain and output a higher voltage.
08-06-2015 03:22 PM