Signal Conditioning

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fpga front end driver

Is there a front end for the FPGA that is available to bring up the drive strength. I am trying to drive a 600KHz SPI bus over a large cable 8Feet. The FPGA acts as an fpga slave therefore the only signal that the FPGA is driving is the MISO line. The other signals coming from the DUT are driving fine with sharp edges. The line being driven by the fpga has slew and is noisy. I would like to use a cots solution to solve this problem

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Message 1 of 3



NI currently doesn't have line drivers specifically for FPGA devices. 8 feet is a rather long distance for an SPI cable, therefore, like you said, you would need a third party line driver to preserve the integrity of the signal.

Sev K.
Senior Systems R&D Engineer | Wireless | CLA
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

I am having a similar problem with driving I2S signals (12Mhz) over 1m to a 7811R for decoding.  As you noticed, the signals become distorted easily.  My current plan is to use a 74ACT125 buffer

and see if it make any difference.  Also, I think it might be better to use cabling like RG316 and build up a custom SCSI-5 connector.

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