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Generating TTL signals on NI USB 6212


I am working on project to design Synchronizer for my PIV system on LabView. What I have to do is: to generate two synchronized signal one to trigger laser(signal 1) and other for camera(signal 2). The signals will have some time delay between them and signal 1 will go on independently. I have made labview code for this (attached). I have used case structure(signal 2 generator inside this) within while loop to do this. Signal 1 is generated, for while loop iteration divisible by two the case structure condition becomes true and generating signal 2, wait time for loop is 500ms . This gives time delay between two signal as one second (we can control time delay by controlling divisor factor used to for while loop iteration)

The problem is I am unable to write these two signals to my NI USB6212. 

Please Help!!

Code is attached.

Thanks in advance..

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Message 1 of 3

Hello abhi474,


The USB-6212 is a multifunction DAQ device.  You might get a better response if you create a post on the Multifunction DAQ forum:


This forum should be more focused on our higher-speed PXI signal generator devices, such as the products found here: 

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Message 2 of 3

Hello balexand,

Thanks for the reply. I have posted the same message in category Multi-function DAQ.

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Message 3 of 3