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Setting Trigger Mode

I have been referred back to the User manual, and cannot find this question answered anywhere:


What are the integer values for the four trigger modes? The PXI 5402 Specification *seems* to imply that this is the order:

1. Single

2. Continuous

3. Stepped

4. Burst


Except elsewhere, in the niFGEN "Configure Trigger Mode" doc, it specifically states that the default value is Continuous, which is "1".


I thought this was then suggesting that "Single" is actually 0, but that vaue is not valid. So what are the integer values for the other three modes?




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hi Jvara,


Sorry, I didn't understand your question earlier. It depends on the function call you are using.


If you are using the property node (this is equivalent to changing the attribute in C), then the mapping is as follows:




This can be seen in the help files as follows:




If you are using the niFgen Trigger (this is equivalent to calling the niFgen_ConfigureTriggerMode function in C)  then the mapping is as follows:




This can be seen the help files, in the link you have provided above:


Jason L.


Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8


I do not believe this is correct. I am calling niGEN.ConfigureTriggerMode, using the example "Sweep Generator", and a value of "0" as the second parameter gives an error message of "Invalid value for parameter or property. Invalid Trigger Mode". Also, note that if you do follow the help file link (below), it DOES list the four different modes, but does *NOT* specify what their respective integer values are.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Hi jvavra,


Are you able to use any of the defined values as the parameter? For instance, NIFGEN_VAL_SINGLE? Or does that throw an error too.




Jason L.

Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

This throws an error too. These values are not defined in the VB project, only in the C version of the project. 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Are you using the niFGEN wrapper? It can be found here, if you aren't already using it.


The wrapper maps the settings as follows:


Single 1

Continuous 2

Stepped 3

Burst 4


The order shouldn't change regardless of which function you are using. Are you able to call the function at all without errors?




Jason L. Lii

Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Yes, I am using the .NET NIFGEN wrapper. Thank you for the clarification of the wrapper's mapping of the trigger modes. I see now where these declarations are made toward the end of the wrapper file. Thanks! 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Use NI I/O Trace to see what values are being passed down from the .NET bindings to the actual NI-FGEN driver. This way you can diagnose if the problem truly is where you seem to assume it is.
If the values on the API are indeed correct, then verify they are valid for the instrument model you are using. Not every NI-FGEN device supports every feature.

Marcos Kirsch
Chief Software Engineer
NI Driver Software
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8