10-05-2020 08:02 AM
Our next User group meeting will be a Zoom meeting on November 12 at 11:00 AM EST. It will be a zoom meeting. I don't have a topic yet. If you are interested in presenting please let me know. If you are interested in having me present on something also let me know. I am thinking of doing a presentation on the tools I use to develop a project. This will be sort of like the "Inside AST" presentation but with a focus on tools. Let me know if this is of interest.
You can register for the User Group here
10-11-2021 02:46 PM
10-12-2021 09:07 AM
This was last year's reminder 2020. However I have screwed up dates in the past....
The 2021 November User group Meeting is on November 11. The topic will be Interfaces in LabVIEW.
You can register here