South Sweden LabVIEW User Group

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Digital LVUGM March 24th


Welcome to our next meeting.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Time: 15:30 - 17:00
Location: Online (Google Meets)


15:30 - Introduction
Presenter: Peter Norlén, Axis
15:45 – OOP
Presenter: Stefan Davidsson, DVel
16:15 - Q & A
Ask LabVIEW or related questions for the group to answer or discuss.
Moderator: Peter Norlén, Axis
16:45 - Summary and plans for the next meeting
Presenter: Peter Norlén, Axis

Let us know if you want to join at the DVel office. We will let a few people participate on-site.

Sign up here: (edited) 

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Here are the files and links from the meeting!




Labview Idea Exchange


Possible Topics for future meetings

  • Python in Labview
  • VIPM (Package Manager)
    • 3rd party tool. any existing presentations online?
  • More Design Patterns
  • More Architectures

Next meeting to be held in September 2021


And remember:

Labview rounds values to the nearest EVEN number.

Using DBL (float) numbers can lead to unexpected behavior in comparisons and rounding situations.

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Have not seen this probe before, Anyone else have?

Was told about it today by Micke regarding my issue with the debugger problems in GDS.





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I have not been working with GDS alot... Let's hope someone else have some more experiences.

Is the probe part of the GDS packet, or is it a native Labview function?

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Message 4 of 7

I don't think it's a part of GDS packet. Should be a native probe.

But for native classes you have no problem accessing the objects attribute using the ordinary probe.



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I would like to thank you for letting a West Swedener patricipate in your meeting. Although I had quite a bit of technical problems could pick up some interesting stuff.



Mats Rostedt

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We are happy you could join. 🙂
Please spread the word to colleagues or other Labview users in your area.


In these digital times the distance is the same between Malmö-Lund and Lund-Göteborg. (Or Lund-Kiruna for that matter...)

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