08-18-2015 12:15 AM
So NI-Week is finished and it’s time to get a new user group meeting happening.
When should we squeeze it in? We’ll created a new poll.
What should we talk about?
Who wants to present something exciting?
Whoever was at NI-Week, do you want to present something.
Does someone want to show all new features in LV 2015?
08-23-2015 11:30 PM
I'd like to talk about a Dependancy Injection design pattern
08-24-2015 12:49 AM
Sounds like a great topic.
08-26-2015 12:10 AM
Hi Mikael,
I'm able to do a talk a case study about the Memjet Production Line and some of the tools / techniques we used for this.
08-26-2015 12:13 AM
Great, we love tools and techniques. See you there
09-01-2015 08:05 PM
See you all tonight.