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Is possible to create the control 7 indicator dyamically

In my logic, I want to create the control and indicator in run application.

Please help me.

Is it possible with Labview.

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Message 1 of 6

Hi Dynamiccontrol,

This is not possible in LabVIEW. You have play on displaying/hidding existing controls...

CLA, CTA, LV Champion
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Message 2 of 6

There is possible and there is easy.  As zyl7 said, you cannot create a normal control during run-time, since this changes the actual code and would require a recompile of tha application, which you cannot do at run-time.  However, as zyl7 hinted, there are several workarounds (in order of ease-of-creation):

  1. Create all controls/indicators you need and show/hide them at run-time as needed.
  2. Use subpanels and load APIs as needed at run-time
  3. Use a picture control and dynamically create anything you want at run-time.  Note that you will be responsible for very low level control handling if you do this, but it allows you to do just about anything you can think of.
  4. If you have the full LabVIEW environment available, dynamically script a new VI with your new control, compile it, and load it into a subpanel.  While this is possible, options 1 and 2 are much, much, much better. In almost 20 years of LabVIEW programming, I have never needed to do this (although I did do it once, and it definitely was not worth it, and I eventually went with a far better solution based on option 2).
Message 3 of 6

In addition to DFGray, you can also use VIT to create controls/indicators of anydata type dynamically. Need to also develop extra logic to position them properly.

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Message 4 of 6

Refer to my reply 12 here for a quick example on one of the possibilities to do this.

Certified LabVIEW Architect, Certified TestStand Developer
"What you think today is what you live tomorrow"
Message 5 of 6

It is possible,

You can use scripting tool for the same. it will help you to create controll or indicator

Prabhakant Patil
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Message 6 of 6