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Placing a "label" on the graph area

Thank you for your post Thoric.

Note: There are peculiarities when setting annotations programmatically, especially if you replot the graph content - the annotation can disappear. Take care when setting these.

Good point... I can see the pain coming when trying to keep them stable in place with graph austoscale on as their position is apparently scaled relative to XY scales, not to plot area as such... And I wonder if, by tweaking their properties all the time, I end up at similiar choppy UI as now.

Anyway thanks for your answers guys, I learned some lessons today;)

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 14

There is one other thing you could try...

What if you put your "floating text" under the graph...

The build up would be a background color that you want, then the text control, then your graph. You would need to use the Reorder options to move the objects forward or backward in relation to each other to get them layered correctly. Then you would need to change the background of the graph to transparent.

I have messed with the transparency with a graph before but I never needed anything under it. This may still cause the problems you are trying to avoid but it would be worth a try.

A draw back that I can think of is that your grid lines on your graph would be "on top" of your text unless you turn them off, but depending on what you are trying to do that may not be a problem.

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Message 12 of 14

Following your interesting idea I tried this approach. But, although it showed some promising improvement on my test VI, it did not improve anything at all on my target. As soon as I place any kind of object overlaping the plot areas the performace degrades to roughly the same level. The order does not seem to matter.

Now I went the polite although not easy way of squeezing existing controls to have some room for a new label outside of the plots:/

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Message 13 of 14

One last thought if you want to play a little more... Have you tried to put a picture behind the graph? Something with a solid background with some basic text on it.

I know it is a "work around" but you could create an image using LV then dynamically load that into the background of the pane you are working in (or all the panes). If you have lots of tabs this could be a memory hit by having the image open in so many locations, and I have no idea what the performance for the graph would look like but it might be worth a shot.

I think Thoric's example would be the best approach but some times you just need something different.

Good luck!

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Message 14 of 14