USRP Software Radio

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How to send and retrieve data by USRP 2900

I am trying to send and receive frame from NI USRP 2900.

The frame example is FE FE 00 00 00 05 B1 44.

I send the frame with array. I am not sure whether USRP really transmit the data.

How can I check? TX1 RX1 LED is red when I run Transmit VI.

I would like to receive the frame from USRP too but I get 0.

How can  I modify my program? TX1 RX1 LED is green when I run Receive VI.

I take reference from the niUSRP EX Tx Continuous Async example VI and the niUSRP EX Rx Continuous Async example VI.

I have attached transmit and receive vi image.


I don't understand LabView so much.
I am new to LabView and this is my first assignment.

Thank you.

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You should set the tx gain and the rx gain to around 35dB.


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Thank you, mikiofuku.

I don't get the result. Still I am trying.

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You should breaking down the issue into parts. Problem causes rx side or tx side?

You can transmit CW wave from any SG to Rx port on USRP-2900. (to test usrp can receive a CW wave). and you can use any Spectrum Analyzer.


Thank you.

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I don't have spectrum analyzer. Instead, can I use GNU Radio software to check whether transmission is okay?

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