I am trying to communicate with NI-USRP2954R (Rio X310) via matlab, using its serial number as the USRP is connected to the host PC via a PCI Express cable.
However, I have got this warning/error.
I have used the same program to cimmunicate with NI-USRP2901 (via USB cable) and it works well. Why it does not work with usrp Rio x310.
Warning: The SerialNum property is not relevant in this configuration of the System object.
> In matlab.system.SystemProp/setProperties
In comm.internal.SDRuBase
In comm.SDRuTransmitter
Warning: The SerialNum property is not relevant in this configuration of the System object.
> In matlab.system.SystemProp/setProperties
In comm.internal.SDRuBase
In comm.SDRuReceiver
Error using comm.SDRuTransmitter/setupImplLocal
An error occurred: Unable to find radio with IP address
Attach a device with this IP address, or continue working in offline mode.
Error in comm.internal.SDRuBase/setupImpl