11-03-2014 02:27 AM
I have develloped a simple application for recording and analysing radio signal. The program work fine as soon as it can capture a signal on the spezified chanel. If there is no signal on the chanel I have spezified, after a few minutes the usrp generates the above error. The error seem to occur on the driver level which is unable to sent to pacquets in the right oder.
The occurence of that errror crash my program completely. So, I was wondering which local Error handler I can implement there to deter the driver from crashing and operate normaly as soon as it get a signal.
11-06-2014 03:18 AM
Dear Aristocrate,
could you post your application please? Which USRP model and driver version are you using?
Best regards
11-08-2014 02:42 PM
Hi AndGar,
that error occurs with any simple acquisitioin code with the USRP. It's due to the higher processing capability of the USRP 2920 when it has to sample less data in a long period: Lets say you want to campture a 2MHz bandwidth signal and you set the Number of samples to be 10k, after running a while the mentioned error occurs. It works fine when you set the number of samples to be 200k.
My code is built as a simple producer and consumer design with queue. And I am using the lastest version of the Driver downloable http://www.ni.com/download/ni-usrp-14.0/4999/en/ .
My concern is how to implement a error handler so taht my application does not crash and I stop it at wish other change the parameters and run again. That is if I dont want to control user input of number of samples.
I hope I 've given you a clear explanation of my concern and that you can help.
Best regards!