08-25-2015 02:21 PM
A couple of points:
1. As mentioned in the ReadMe for the repository and at the TOULUG, the limit is currently set to 1ms for each square to not get penalized.
2. We've added an executable to the project. In order for all of the squares to show up in the executable you have to build the "Class Source Distribution" after you make any changes to your squares (just right click and hit build) which will build all of the squares that are in the auto-populating "Squares" folder.
3. We changed the board size to be a global variable instead of having it in the class private data. You can call the "Board Size.vi" from your code to get the board size which is always square (50 = a 50x50 board).
4. As per Matt's suggestion, we revised Player Info to be a vi with two outputs, "Name" and "Victory Speech", so just wire up a couple of constants to those and you should be good. The Name shows up in the list, the Victory Speech shows up if you ever happen to win (;
5. There is a rough draft of the "Competition Rules" in the "Documents" folder of the project. Take a look at that when you get a chance and give us any feedback you might have.
Looking forward to our September 11th tournament! I hear there may be prizes (:
Hope to see you all there!!!
08-25-2015 02:54 PM
Another SubVI was recently added to the Square Class: Round.vi
This VI outputs the Round of the game is currently in. A Round is when the Squares get a chance to do something.
09-04-2015 11:03 AM
What is the "Time Ratio used" input to the Run method? It seems like it is always zero, but would this give us some indication if we were getting some time penalty due to excessive execution time?
09-04-2015 11:52 AM
Good question. Right now we are using this to indicate the number of rounds you will miss based on how long you took. Since you are getting 0, that means you aren't missing any rounds. If this were 5, for example, you would miss the next 5 rounds due to a time penalty.
Hope this helps,
09-04-2015 04:06 PM
Robert. I don't think the rounds input is working. I added it to the squarebattle task list. The number is decremented and when the run.vi is next called it has decremented to 0. So it is aways 0 from the run.vi perspective.
09-04-2015 04:15 PM
Hi Everyone,
Please check out the PDF of detailed instructions that I just added to the Repository when you get a moment. Hopefully it helps everyone get going.
09-07-2015 05:53 PM
OK Everybody,
You may have noticed that sometimes your square attacks someone and they don't die. I found the bug and squashed it. Please pull the newest version of the repository if you want the attacks to all be processed like they should be.