So, we've written some nice custom unit tests to run with Unit test framework, using the template supplied by NI (LV2016 by the way). I looked at "User-Defined Test" in the shipping example and in there, they wire up the results of a failing test into the "result", "Error message", (oh so clearly named) "Parameter name", "Parameter Value" and "Parameters", and "comparison" controls of the "results parameters cluster" (an array of which resides inside the "Unit test framework results" cluster you have to output from a custom test). So far so good. The claim is that by doing this you get a detailed description of what failed if a test fails (this is compared to the basic example which just wires the pass/fail enum).
When you run their test (which basically tests a simple addition of 2 inputs) and make it fail (by changing their VI under test to do a subtraction for example), you get the results as shown in the attached picture. The results DO tell you in the "description" that "Output value mismatch" - which is the string they wrote to the "error message", and they do identify the "X+Y" parameter as being the cause of the failure. BUT in the code, the example also wires the result of the VI under test and the expected result into the results cluster (in the parameter value and parameters inputs respectively). So why is this not finding its way into the results?
It also doesn't appear to show up in the html or xml reports generated from UTF.
What am I missing? Is it possible to get the same level of detail in the description of a custom test as it is in a regular unit test (which, in the same example project returns the applied operation, the resulting value and the expected value.)
Thanks in advance!