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Using Array of Clusters in UTF

Craig_ wrote:

Honestly you may have to test it.

Internally the CAR mentions just fixing the / character in control names, but the related parsing functions have UTF in their VI names, so it may work for more charachters

So you're telling us that the issue is fixed for at least one specific special character. For any others, maybe, who knows? Maybe we'll run into the same issue later on another character and you might patch it for that one later. Maybe.

Can you please spend a few minutes talking to the developer and find out the real story for us?

Copyright © 2004-2024 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Message 11 of 23

Christopher,  I'll follow up with the developer, but it might take a couple days. Will that be sufficient?


Christopher Stryker


Message 12 of 23

I grabbed a VM and did some testing.

This prompt comes up when there's unsupported chars:


For the \n \r and \t codes I used the \ codes display of a string, put the code in, switched the control to normal display, copied the text into a label, saved, and opened the UTF for the VI to see if they caused any errors.

These things appear to work in labels:

  • \n (newline char)
  • \r (return char)
  • \t (tab char)
  • / (forward slash)

These things cause the prompt

  • [ (left bracket)
  • ] (right bracket)
  • \ (backslash)

What else would you want tested?

Does this answer your question?

Craig H. | CLA CTA CLED | Applications Engineer | NI Employee 2012-2023
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Message 13 of 23

OlliesCamel wrote:

Christopher,  I'll follow up with the developer, but it might take a couple days. Will that be sufficient?

Sure, that would be great.

+1 for your username, btw.

Copyright © 2004-2024 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 23

Craig_ wrote:

This prompt comes up when there's unsupported chars:



What else would you want tested?

I think you're missing my point - I'm not looking for a lookup table of characters that the UTF supports, I want to know if this statement is true or not:

"The UTF will not allow the user to use characters that it does not support. It will also prompt the user if they attempt to use characters that it does not support."

Copyright © 2004-2024 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Message 15 of 23

Christopher,  I wanted to let you know that I'm still digging in to this but I was unexpectedly out of office and haven't had a chance to explicitly confirm things.

  Also, +100 for you if you caught my intended reference without googling:

Even if you googled, +1 back at you for being a rally fan.  Thanks, Chris

Message was edited by: OlliesCamel for formatting

Message 16 of 23


My apologies for the extended response time, but there's still a bit of a bug and also a time zone difference with the developer I've been interfacing with.

I have spoken with the developer and also validated their response. To be clear, if you right click on the VI in the project and create a new unit test, you can use any character in the control names, as illustrated here:



That being said:

You CANNOT right click on "My Computer" in the project and then modify the resulting blank test. It will still present the dialog box seen in former releases and will not parse the control names correctly. I had been using this approach to verify what the developer told me and was not seeing the behavior they described. (The had been using the method above.)

I appreciate your patience with this, and can post the follow up CAR for the second behavior mentioned once it is available. We'll be clarifying this on the current Known Issues List once the new CAR is available and publishing the new CAR on a subsequent Bug Fix List when it is resolved.


Christopher Stryker


0 Kudos
Message 17 of 23

OlliesCamel wrote:

Also, +100 for you if you caught my intended reference without googling: http://www.rally-maps.com/Rally-in-the-100-Acre-Wood-2013/Ollie-s-Camel   

Awwwww http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Ollie_the_Camel

Copyright © 2004-2024 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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Message 18 of 23

OlliesCamel wrote:

I appreciate your patience with this, and can post the follow up CAR for the second behavior mentioned once it is available. We'll be clarifying this on the current Known Issues List once the new CAR is available and publishing the new CAR on a subsequent Bug Fix List when it is resolved.

Righto, thanks for letting us know Chris.  I'm glad that we bugged (ha!) you to get it checked out then

Copyright © 2004-2024 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 23

Christopher Relf wrote:

Awwwww http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Ollie_the_Camel


If you select examine, the info in your box will show: A camel who wants to fly some day.

The Ollies Camel stage is known for it's very large (for North American Rally) jump that causes the cars to go flying, so maybe there's a connection?


(Admittedly, this guy didn't get a good jump in. I cut him some slack for missing a wheel.)

Message 20 of 23