02-09-2015 02:39 AM
Having demonstrated the VirtualBench to some of my colleagues, I'm getting feedback that engineers would like to be able to add white noise to the output from the the signal generator, and/or add the option of a chirp output signal type.
Can I propose this as a feature to be considered for inclusion in an upcoming version please?
02-09-2015 07:36 AM
It's not featured in the VirtualBench Application, but you are able to output custom waveforms (such as a chirp) using the VirtualBench API.
In LabVIEW this is done with FGEN Configure Arbitrary Waveform.vi, as demonstrated by this example. In the C API you would use the niVB_FGEN_ConfigureArbitraryWaveform function.
02-10-2015 02:17 AM
That's geat Brandon, thanks for letting me know.
Do you think it might be added to the VirtualBench Application in the future?
02-10-2015 08:08 AM
@MartinMcD wrote:
That's geat Brandon, thanks for letting me know.
Do you think it might be added to the VirtualBench Application in the future?
I filed a feature request on your behalf, CAR 515331.
03-05-2020 10:19 PM
Any follow ups on white noise generation directly from the VirtualBench software without third-party tools?