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Welcome to the VirtualBench discussion forum!

Welcome to the VirtualBench discussion forum. This is a great place to ask questions and find answers on this new all-in-one, software-based instrument. Please see the product support page for technical resources. 

Katie Collette
National Instruments
Message 1 of 11

VirtualBench seems like a great product for the price point and the application looks pretty modern and usefull.  I just bought one but I'm still working in the demo mode until it gets here.


We have about 50 test benches where this could be used, however, we use 28V for avionic panels so the 25V voltage supply limit is a deal breaker at this point.  I hope that different hardware options show up eventually.


It sems like a great transition product between the education products and the full blown professional products.


I will have more feedback once I get the real instrument.


Thanks, Jorge Vasiliadis

Labview CLA


Message 2 of 11

Hi Jorge,


I'm glad to hear you're interested in VirtualBench! We look forward to hearing your feedback.


I would like to point out you can combine rails to get bigger voltages. It's not as easy to use as a single rail, but this might be a way to get your project going.




William Earle

Software Engineer

National Instruments

Message 3 of 11

This instrument looks really nice and a great price point, but we do all our NI automation using C#.   Our automation coveres much more than just automating NI instrumentation, it involves programming DUT, as well as purpose built test hardware and software, so we cannot jump to labview for our automation.  I noted the GUI tools are written in .NET so I know it is doable we just need published APIs for COM and .NET.   Support for .NET is the most important but it would be nice if COM were supported too.


We have many data acquisition systems and quite a few PXI racks


Micro Systems Engineering, Inc.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

I have now spent a week playing with the instrument.  I really like it and I think it's a great step in the right directions.


I have the following two questions:


1) I need to create my own power supply control as I need to combine both the positive and negative supplies in order to reach the 28V limit.  However, I would like to be able to launch the built in application and take over the power supply control with my own module written in Labview through the API.  However, when the built in app is running, my app will error out because the instrument is busy.  Is there a way to launch the built in app with only certain instruments being active?


2) We have about 100 test technitians that could use this on their bench instead of the separate instruments they have, however, in order to move forward, our calibration department would need to have an automated way to perform the calibration.  Do you guys have Metcal support for calibration or scripts that would allow our cal lab to use their nist calibrated instruments to perfrom the calibration?


Please feel free to call me if you would like to discuss this further.


Thanks, Jorge Vasiliadis

Labview CLA


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

@JIV wrote:

1) I need to create my own power supply control as I need to combine both the positive and negative supplies in order to reach the 28V limit.  However, I would like to be able to launch the built in application and take over the power supply control with my own module written in Labview through the API.  However, when the built in app is running, my app will error out because the instrument is busy.  Is there a way to launch the built in app with only certain instruments being active?

This technique may get you closer to what you want:

  1. Run your custom control.
  2. While your VI is running, launch the built in app.
  3. You will get a notifcation that the power supply is in use.  Dismiss this notification.
  4. At this point, you can use the built-in app for everything except the power supply, and your custom control for the power supply will also work.


Nathan Baldwin
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

@JIV wrote:

2) We have about 100 test technitians that could use this on their bench instead of the separate instruments they have, however, in order to move forward, our calibration department would need to have an automated way to perform the calibration.  Do you guys have Metcal support for calibration or scripts that would allow our cal lab to use their nist calibrated instruments to perfrom the calibration?

The recommended calibration interval for VirtualBench is 12 months.  We are working on the calibration procedure now, and it should be available within a year (hopefully earlier!) to accomodate that.

Zach Hindes
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

JIV wrote:

2) We have about 100 test technitians that could use this on their bench instead of the separate instruments they have, however, in order to move forward, our calibration department would need to have an automated way to perform the calibration.  Do you guys have Metcal support for calibration or scripts that would allow our cal lab to use their nist calibrated instruments to perfrom the calibration?


Please feel free to call me if you would like to discuss this further.


Thanks, Jorge Vasiliadis

Labview CLA


To elaborate on Zach's answer, automated calibration will be supported through the programmatic API for VirtualBench. The calibration entry points are already there and functional - for example, look at (instrument name) - > utility -> calibration on the LabVIEW pallettes.


As Zach said, we are currently working on the documentation for these entry points.




William Earle

Software Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

I purchased the VirutalBench, and its REALLY useful working with one unit on my desk! :).


Question...I'm having a hard time finding the iOS app in the app store. When i search Virtual Bench, nothing comes up. Is there an alternative link to get to the app?


I'd really prefer to use my iPad as a screen instead of my monitor.



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Debrosse wrote:
Question...I'm having a hard time finding the iOS app in the app store. When i search Virtual Bench, nothing comes up. Is there an alternative link to get to the app?


The iOS app is not yet available, but you can request to be notified when it is published in the app store.

Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Message 10 of 11