12-01-2014 04:49 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to programme the virtualbench DC power supply to have a variable value of DC current.
I've tried with the example in figure "power_supply_v1.0" and it works, but I have to set all parameters from the front panel. Anyway, it is not possible to set by hand parameters to cover a time interval of 90 minutes by varying DC value after few seconds.
So I created a file containing voltage, current and time and for each row of the file I would to receive V*I power for the duration of the third column, as in:
"Voltage (V)" "Current (A)" "Time (s)"
2.71635117696125 0.773114812272379 5
1.25706738077910 0.881681142450407 6
2.89286154926806 0.734092093476126 1
4.57738299516686 0.406432206360085 6
4.47798263072198 0.604178745602068 4
2.41253308690020 0.641105051660087 1
2.21369988881868 0.127466836015375 2
1.55877476124154 0.496191996945931 4
... ... ...
The vi I have written is that in figure "power_supply_v2.0". But it doesn't work and I was not able to understand the error message it reported.
Thank you,
12-01-2014 09:21 AM
Hi Edmond,
From your probes, it looks like you are wiring 0.00 into the current limit, which is causing the error. The minimum current setting is 1% of full-scale. Full-scale is 1A on the 6V rail, and 500mA on the other rails.
William Earle
Software Engineer
12-01-2014 10:12 AM
Thank you for the answer, William!
The first current value I wire is that of the first row in the table I reported, that is about 770 mA.
I think the problem is not the value
12-01-2014 10:57 AM
Can you attach your VI?
William Earle
Software Engineer
12-01-2014 04:44 PM
Hi William,
I attach my VI and the txt file I use to load values of voltage, current, and duration of the DC stimulus.
12-01-2014 05:16 PM
Hi Ed,
For the +25V rail the valid current values are 0.005 to 0.500. So some values in that txt file, for example 0.00385915886072064, would cause the error you're seeing.
William Earle
12-01-2014 05:46 PM
I select the +6V channel before lauching the VI, and it doesn't start despite the correct values.
12-02-2014 10:50 AM
Hi Ed,
When I run your VI, I'm able to go through it without error if I force 0.01 as the min current (0.01 is the minimum value for the 6V rail).
I cleaned up your VI a little and attached it. The key thing is I'm using the Max & Min VI to force current to be >= to 0.01.
Do you still get any errors with this VI?
William Earle
12-02-2014 10:59 AM - edited 12-02-2014 11:02 AM
Thank you so much!
I have just found the problem and I would have answered shortly.
I changed my .txt file by rounding values to 2 decimal points and, in this way, the vi works.
Thank you again!