Webcast Wednesday Discussions

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Webcast Wednesday Contest # 17

Question) Create a control in which a Circle revolves when the mouse is moved over the control.

( Hint – method: Use asynchronous calling

  Preferred Ctl : Picture ring (left to your imagination)


Question) Explain or replicate the ways to achieve the GUI effect shown in the Screen Shot

Leave your answers as comments below by clicking on Reply

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Rules & Guidelines

  • Post your answers as comments on this thread.
  • The participant answering all the questions correctly and in the shortest time will be the winner. In case of VI or code as answers, the participant will also be judged on the basis of the efficiency of the VI/code.
  • The deadline for answer submission is August 31.
  • Entries made after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • The winner will be announced in the next session of Webcast Wednesday and on this thread, with further information & next steps.

Recordings of the Previous Sessions

Previous Contests of the Week

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12


Pease find me answer for the question 1 attached with this.

Awaiting for the feedbacks.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12


Please Find the attached Vi's, answere of question 2.

Please give feedback/suggestion for the same.

Warm Regards,

Parth Somaiya

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

Find attached Vis for Contest.

Run "00 Asynchronous Call Demo" for Question 1.

Run "00 Grayed background demo VI" for Question 2.


Prashant Patel

Labview 6.1 - 2019
Message 4 of 12

Hi Friends,

    Pls. find the attached vi for question 2. Give feedback and suggestion.

Thanks & regards,

Shweta Walanj

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Dear Sapsatin,

Appreciate your effort. The VI does not implement the Aysnchronous call method. The purpose of stressing on Asycnhronous call was to remove the GUIs dependency on the dataflow of the code. In your case its a good thought to use the picture control and the event structure but no other part of the code could execute till the operation inside the event structure is completed. If there had been two similar controls of yours and I move the mouse over one and I immediately place the mouse over the other, the second one will not operate till the first one completes its operation. Aysnchronous call helps you do this.
P.S: you can look into Prashanth patel 's code. That clearly depicts the situation.

Team Webcast Wednesday

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12


Brilliant effort. Both the codes behave exactly as per requirement. The programming practices incorporated are also flawless. The only siuggestion I have is that you should always have a project file and all the VI's under that.


Team Webcast Wedneasday

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Hi Shweta

Appreciate the participation. In cases where the pop up box is only meant to display a message, your VI works. It was a very smart thing to enable 'VI runs transparently' property. However if the pop up was meant to perform some operation (Which is in most cases), then you should use a SubVI and set it's properties accordingly.


Team Webcast Wednesday

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Hi Paarth

Great effort. The VI performs the exact task as mentioned in the second question. Keep it up!


Team Webcast Wednesday

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Hi EveryOne,

All best For the Contest.



0 Kudos
Message 10 of 12