Webcast Wednesday Discussions

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Webcast Wednesday Contest # 5

Question) Taking inspiration from the video attached, make a media player application - like Windows Media Player. The focus should be on the GUI and not as much on the media playing part of the application. Attach VIs and other files in your answer by clicking on the Advanced/Full Editor mode in your comment window while you are typing the comment.

Leave your answers as comments below by clicking on Reply


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Rules & Guidelines

  • Post your answers as comments on this thread.
  • The participant answering all the questions correctly and in the shortest time will be the winner. In case of VI or code as answers, the participant will also be judged on the basis of the efficiency of the VI/code.
  • The deadline for answer submission is next Monday. Entries made after Monday will not be accepted.
  • Entries made after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • The winner will be announced in the next session of Webcast Wednesday and on this thread, with further information & next steps.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Media Player attached.



Controls (Bottom) and PlayingList (Right) will auto show when mouse approches and hide when mouse exist their area (With sliding effect)

Equaliser (Left) will show when edge is clicked and hide when clicked again (With sliding effect)

Program stops by pressing the (close) of the title bar

All controls reinitialize to default upon start

Play and Pause buttons interchange when clicked

FF and RW interchange states when clicked

Stop is disabled when not playing

Changing volume will change amplitude of the playing fire


Download files to same directory

Run WMP2.vi

Click on the left edge of the player (The equaliser should appear)

Hover mouse to bottom of screen (Controls will appear)

Click on Play, Stop, Pause, FF, RW to test

Change the volume to see effect

The controls are functional:

Volume will change the amplitude of the signal

Play will play the signal

Pause/stop will stop playing

Download All
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Hi All,

In order to open Ammouri's VI, you need to install 'MGI Application Control' library. You can install it using VI Package Manager. You can download VI Package Manager from here : http://jki.net/vipm/download

By the way, VI Package manager is a software written entirely in LabVIEW. You can have a look at it's GUI. It is simply awesome.

Also, other people......start working on the VI contest. We have only three more days to go


Raviteja Chivukula

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hi All,

Here are a few hints as to how one may proceed:

  • Use property nodes to change the position of indicators & controls (Examples attached)
  • Use Property nodes to find the bounds of Front Panel (Example attached)
  • Use "Functions >> Connectivity >> Input Device Control" VIs to acquire the position of mouse (Example attached)
  • Constantly monitor the mouse position. Whenever, the mouse pointer goes close to the bottom bound of the front panel change the position of the controls & indicators using property nodes.


Raviteja Chivukula

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Hi freinds,

I`m late here, but hope I created an effective one.

1. FInd the Attachment, Unzip it (Better use desktop)

2. Open the windows media player file.

3. You can see images moving arund in sequence for every 5s aprox.

4. Move the mouse near equlizer text, Vary the knob options and check for the colour change in the graph.

5. You can Ckeck the enqued file in the song list. Move the mouse there so that you can ckeck the list of enqued items.

6. Go to control option you can ckeck the functions and click the stop button to exit.

7. Use the abort or Ctrl+. to check the code.

Waiting for reviews

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Dear All

I have updated the VI to make it open without the need of the MGI library. The VI that I was using is used to align the window view to the top left corner.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Hi check this VI, This was the vi I was talking about how to bring the selected controls are indicators to front while it is selected. I`m getting an error message that VI is not in Edit mode. Even though I made the edit mode to be true.

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Message 7 of 9

Special Mentions for the Contest:  gnshmrthy & Ammouri

Both of them were one of the most active participants in the thread. With solutions which were worked out meticulously, they were the closest to being the winner of the contest.

We are hopeful that their enthusiasm will only grow more and will keep on sharing their expertise time-to-time in this online community along with self-learning.


Team Webcast Wednesday

Message 8 of 9


Could you generate a Labview 2011 version?


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Message 9 of 9