Western NY LabVIEW User Group

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Vote for your LabVIEW Developer Days Sessions

Hello WNY LabVIEW Enthusiasts,

We are in the process of planing for our annual LabVIEW Developer Days (March 23), and would would like to hear from you on which sessions you would find most valuable.  Please rank the sessions on a scale from 1 - 4, where 1 = excellent choice and 4 = not interested in attending.

Vote soon, poles close Friday afternoon.


Session 1.  Build Quality LabVIEW User Interfaces

Review the components of a good LabVIEW user interface and design techniques aimed to communicate the purpose and function of your application at a glance.  Learn tips and tricks for designing custom controls and indicators as well as other design elements.  This session is dedicated to developers who build applications for others or who work on code that will eventually be handed off to others for future development and maintenance.

Session 2.  Managing Large, Multiple-Developer LabVIEW Applications
As software becomes more complex, developers need to abide by established software engineering practices in order to ensure that an application is reliable, safe and fault tolerant.  This presentation will examine the typical development life cycle and explain the best practices and recommendations for programming with LabVIEW in a structured development environment. Topics will include configuration management, tracking and identifying changes that are made to code, requirements gathering, code architecture, ensuring proper style guidelines, validation of code, dynamic code analysis, and professional deployment practices.

Session 3.  7 Ways to Improve LabVIEW Performance
This session will go in-depth on programming practices that will lead to more-efficient, faster running code.  Explore the internal workings of the LabVIEW execution engine, and learn how to use those principles to improve your performance and memory usage.

Session 4.  Speed Up LabVIEW Development
This session is targeted at LabVIEW developers who are beginning to make larger applications that require more development time.  Learn programming best practices and new features in LabVIEW 2009 that make it easier to plan, develop and debug applications.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Session 1, User interfaces, I would attend this, ranking 1

Session 2, Large multi developer applications, not interested, rank 4

Session 3, Improving performance, not interested, rank 4 (if I need more speed I'll go to real time or FPGA)

Session 4, Coding faster (so one can finish a CLD exam in 4 hours), I would attend this, ranking 1

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Session 1: 2

Session 2: 2

Session 3: 1

Session 4: 1

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Session 1 -  Buidl Better Interfaces  1

Session 2 - Manage Large Multiple Developer - 4

Session 3 -  7 Ways to Improve - 2

Session 4 - Speed Up development - 1

Thanks for asking..

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Session 1 - 3

Session 2 - 2

Session 3 - 1

Session 4 - 2


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Session 1 - 2

Session 2 - 4 (only because I've seen this presentation a couple times, it's good stuff though)

Session 3 - 1

Session 4 - 1

"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race."
-H.G. Wells
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Session 1 - 1

Session 2 - 1

Session 3 - 4

Session 4 - 4

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

I was not at work Thursday or Friday, but I'll vote anyway.

Rank of 1: Session 1.  Build Quality LabVIEW User Interfaces

Rank 0f 2: Session 2.  Managing Large, Multiple-Developer LabVIEW Applications

Rank of 2: Session 3.  7 Ways to Improve LabVIEW Performance

Rank of 3: Session 4.  Speed Up LabVIEW Development

David Grucza, CLD
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

(Rank 2)Session 1.  Build Quality LabVIEW User Interfaces

(Rank 4) Session 2.  Managing Large, Multiple-Developer LabVIEW Applications

(Rank 1) Session 3.  7 Ways to Improve LabVIEW Performance

(Rank 3) Session 4.  Speed Up LabVIEW Development

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9