Western NY LabVIEW User Group

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Where did the "who wants more TestStand content at user group meetings" poll go?

This is principally directed at the NI folks, but where did the poll go that I set up to find out what interest there is in having more TestStand content at user group meetings?  Yes, I have been on this "horse" for a number of years, but I am thinking it could run in WNY.  Hey, I even volunteered to help organize it, but all I seem to get in response is silence.  I hope there is a good explanation for what happened to the poll; I know that the results were positive towards having more TestStand content the last time I looked at it.  If the poll was inappropriate in some way, or if I wasn't supposed to be able to start a poll, I would have appreciated someone having let me know this.  If NI just doesn't want to do it, then please just say so.    Thanks!

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Message 1 of 5

Hi Doug,

I'm not sure where the poll went, but mine is gone too.  I noticed that there is the concept of an expiration date, so maybe that came for both our polls.

We kicked around the idea of having a TestStand User Group meeting and thought it was a good idea.  I made a list of customers using TestStand to ensure that there would be enough interest and we are convinced that there would be.  We discussed potential topics and wondered if we would be able to pick topics that would have broad appeal and be applicable for beginning to advanced users.  We would likely have one of the TestStand Product Managers present the topic due to their in-depth knowledge.

The bottom line is that "Organize TestStand User Group Meeting" is on my list of things to do.  We've been having LabVIEW User Group Meetings (another next week that you're aware of), LabVIEW and cRIIO Hands-On seminars, and LabVIEW Developer Education days which has filled the schedule.  Let's shoot for later in August.  If you have a suggested topic, let me know!


Steve Schiffhauer

National Instruments

Area Sales Manager

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Message 2 of 5

Doug -

I set the poll (and Steve's) to expire.  Why?

1) All the responses were in the 1st few days and then nothing for a month.

2) Steve and I had already decided to take the action item on this.

And 3) Unfortunately, only one poll shows as the default and I was going to add another.  I just didn't get er done yet.

We should have told you, sorry.  You are more than free to set up as many polls as you think would be useful.  I was just playing a little bit of ownership/management so the group doesn't get "stale".


Scott Rogers
Western NY
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Message 3 of 5

I will vote for a WNY event geared toward NI TestStand (I missed the poll). I am only vaguely familiar with TestStand, and would welcome any user group content.



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Message 4 of 5

I'm using Teststand a good bit. I'd attend UG meetings.

David Grucza, CLD
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Message 5 of 5