2016 Advanced User Track

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TS9518 : How Applying Agile SW Design Principles Changed My Designs and Code

This is a substantially improved version of a presentation I gave at the CLA-E 2015 Summit in Rome.

The PowerPoint 2007 file, has a substantial amount of animations and is best viewed in Slide Show mode.


PDF file includes PowerPoint presenter notes. To see notes either hover over an icon in the top left corner of a page (containing Notes) or right-click the icon and select “Open All Pop-ups” option.  Diagrams & images on slides with animations are stacked and often obscure images farther out along Z axis.

Notes are essential for better understanding of the slides and include quotes and links to page numbers in the “Agile Software Development” book by Robert C. Martin.




Message 1 of 5

Really good presentation on NI week 2016. I'm new on this topics and it really cost me a bit to be on track with the presentation.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5


At the beginning of your presentation you polled the room to see how many people came from a Computer Science background and although the video did not show the entire room, my guess is that it was a much smaller percentage compared to those who come from the Electrical or Mechanical disciplines.  I too fall in the latter camp and much of the core principals of proper CS I learned from looking at and modifying quality LabVIEW code.

I consider myself a competent, advanced LabVIEW user and I do have a passing grasp of the OO teneants of encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism/dyanmic dispatch; but that is a far cry away from actually implementing a design using GOOP.  I have just enough knowledge to realize that your presentation was packed full of sage advice but nowhere near enough knowledge to fully understand why; I particularly failed in the UML diagrams.   What advice do you have for those of us who don't have extensive knowledge on OO principals & design but realize they are falling behind the curve by not understanding such things? 

As LabVIEW syntax continues to take on more modern-day features, I feel the divide between the formally trained CS users and the non-CS users will grow exponentially.   I've not yet found a good bridge between something any CLD should know such as the QMH and the Actor Framework.   Either you understand OO and "get" the Actor Framework, or you don't; and if you don't you fall back on the non-OO things you do know.  I wan't to break this cycle but I'm not sure where to start.

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Message 3 of 5

Please see reply in this thread ...

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Message 4 of 5

I’ve been asked for a more detailed explanation and sample code of a Configuration Handler featured in slides 20 & 22. You can find both here: Design Pattern: Multiple Interface Support in G

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Message 5 of 5