10-25-2019 11:22 AM
please explain me the difference when we program myRIO with LabVIEW FPGA and with out FPGA.
please explain the difference with a sensor interfacing. like how data will be handled. or please provide related guide.
11:42 AM
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01:46 PM
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Here's some links that might help you out
10-25-2019 12:03 PM
Thanks it was good.
can you please provide any application oriented like temperature monitoring with LabVIEW FPGA and with out FPGA.
what happens internally in terms of speed, accuracy or any other parameters.
02:07 AM
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01:47 PM
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There's another article here (Required and Optional Software to Program NI myRIO) that discusses the different ways you can program the myRIO.
It starts with the Express VIs, then moves on to the "lower level" myRIO VIs, then finalizes with a (very) brief description of FPGA on myRIO.
A key(ish) point on the myRIO is that it always operates in FPGA mode (kind of) but that by default it has a "Default Personality" which you don't need to write yourself, and which allows you to access the IO using specific subVIs on the Real-Time system (i.e. not FPGA).
Accuracy would be the same in each case, I would assume.
In terms of speed, it is probably possible to make code run faster by directly programming the FPGA, but it will require more knowledge/learning to program. Depending on your application, this might be a good investment of time, or not.
The "lower level" myRIO VIs mentioned in the above article look like they are probably a good investment of time regardless of the task - the FPGA progamming directly might take a little longer (and requires installation of the FPGA module for LabVIEW). Note that you don't have to install the FPGA compilers locally if you have an active SSP - in that case, you can use the Cloud Compilers.
My FPGA programming is on a CompactRIO (cRIO) system similar to the myRIO (sort of) but I often use the Cloud Compiler to avoid needing to install ~20GB of compilers onto every laptop and so on. I also have a local compiler set up on a single desktop which I'm working on placing in an automated build process/system, but that's taking some time (and I don't recommend it as a first step!)
10-26-2019 02:36 AM
Thank you cbutcher for spending your time to clarify me doubt. you have explained well.
10-26-2019 11:23 PM
Hello i want to know what is the difference if myRIO is programmed with LV FPGA and with out FPGA? please provide an example with any sensor interfacing. How many processors for myRIO. i mean for FPGA does it has separate processor? if possible/available please provide IC description of myRIO. Thank you