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MyRIO Analog IO

I'm new to myRIO and LabVIEW. My questions are as follow:


1. I tried a simple program to acquire analog sine wave from a function generator and display it in PC (labVIEW). The sine wave displayed in labVIEW was pretty accurate for approximately 50Hz. When I increased the frequency (sweep the frequency of function generator slowly) the displayed signal was badly distorted. At some frequency, pure sine wave appeared again. The frequency of waveform displayed in PC was different from that has been set in function generator. How to configure the sampling and acquire analog signal accurately?


2. I tried to produce a sine wave at analog output port using signal generated by using 'Simulate Signal' VI. I tried the default frequency which is 10.1Hz but the waveform observed in oscilloscope was around 1 Hz. If I set the frequency to 10Hz, DC line appeared in oscilloscope. 


Can anyone please point out the problems and discuss on how to solve it? I should be grateful if anyone could share some example code.


Many thanks.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hi there,


In order for me to answer your question effectively, please can you attach your VIs so I can look at your code? Please can you give the frequencies you were sweeping across on the function generator? What is your sampling rate? Remember when you are sampling a signal, the sampling rate must be at least twice the frequency of the signal to get an accurate result.


Have you checked you have the range on the oscilloscope set properly? What sort of oscilloscope are you using? Often with oscilloscopes they have buttons which set the range they read e.g. Hz, kHz, MHz etc.



Maria McKavanagh

FSE West London & Surrey
National Instruments UK & Ireland
Message 2 of 5

Hello everybody!

I'm new to myRIO and Labview . can you help me? documents manual myRIO of ''Digital Image Processing with LabView''

thank you very much!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

@trieu wrote:

Hello everybody!

I'm new to myRIO and Labview . can you help me? documents manual myRIO of ''Digital Image Processing with LabView''

thank you very much!

This qurstion seems unrelated to MyRIO analog IO, so why did you append to a seemingly unrelated thread?

Please start a new thread and explain what your question is. It is not clear what you want.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi and sorry for posting it at here. The problem that I have encounter is same as the user mentioned above. 

May I ask you a favor to check what is wrong with my Vi.JPG

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5