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MyRio C++ program in Eclipse

I want to send a PWM signal to a MyRio through a C++ program in Eclipse. I have installed the Eclipse provided by NI and I am having trouble running the example PWM program. I am getting errors that look like this:


Symbol 'PWMA_0CNTR' could not be resolved main.c /myRIO Example - PWM line 55 Semantic Error


This symbol should be defined in myRio1900.h but it is still coming up unresolved. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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Hello TimCast,


There are source files listed in the C Support for NI myRIO>>source folder that seem like they need to be included in the project. Have you tried adding MyRio.h and MyRio1900.h to the project?  It seems that main.c is including MyRio.h and MyRio.h is including MyRio1900.h. I was able to clear this error by adding it to the project and then rebuilding it.


I hope this helps!

Nadine H.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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