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No Right-Click Calibration in MAX

And, in the (admittedly far-fetched) hope my 5V power supply would come back, I started up MAX to do a self calibration; you know, as in the documentation saying that to do a self-calibration, right-click on Elvis in the device tree.  It shows Elvis, but when I right-click on it nothing happens, no context menu.


Just occurred to me, I'm running Windows 10.  Is that not yet supported?  Everything else seems to work, though.

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Hello anw1652,


Just to confirm, you are referencing your slightly earlier post regarding the same ELVIS? 


Your ELVIS may be demonstrating strange behavior in MAX as a result of its failed power supply, but we can investigate further. When you select your ELVIS, does the box to right populate? You would then be able to try calibration from the top menu bar. 


Windows 10 may be the issue, but it is supported with the most recent release of MAX. Here's our article on Windows 10 support so you can check the compatibility of your software versions:


What other functions of the ELVIS are you still able to access, and how do you have it wired to your computer?





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