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Run stepper motor with myRIO

I'm very new to Labview and myRIO and I need to do position control of a linear stage using a stepper motor and myRIO.  I have a driver and a power supply hooked up, but I'm not sure where to start re: software.  My driver has two leads connected to myRIO that should take a pwm signal to control motor speed, as well as two more for direction (I'm assuming these are a high/low thing... i.e. A high B low for CW and vice versa).  

I'm looking for any advice on where I can start, just to get the motor to run.  Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!   



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Message 1 of 5

Hey eRiche29,


It sounds like you are on the right track.  Start by creating a myRIO application with a while loop containing two PWM express VIs and one Digital Output Express VI (with the correct channels selected for the direction).  Create controls for the PWM frequency and duty cycle as well as the DO channels connected to the direction pins.  Click run and start playing around with it.


Can you post a link to the motor spec sheet.  That will help us give more specific advice.


Thanks, and good luck!


-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

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Message 2 of 5



Thanks for the reply.  The motor I'm running is a salvaged PX244-02AA, and I found the data sheet for what appears to be the very similar PK244-02AA.  The driver I've got to work with, salvaged from the same unit as the motor, is a DFR1507A.  I've attached the data sheets for both.


Another reason I'm confused is that I have a two-phase stepper and a five-phase driver... I'm not even sure if these can work together, because I haven't known how to test it yet.  It may be best for me to look for a more straightfoward, two-phase driver to use. 

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Message 3 of 5

Hey eRiche29,


I think you have a problem since the controller and stepper phases does not match. Do you have other controller or stepper in your end?



Frank R.

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Message 4 of 5

Thanks Frank,  

I was thinking that would be a problem.  I'm going to take a look around the lab to see if anyone has a two-phase driver I can use.  

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