08-30-2013 11:54 AM
i have a relatively simple state machine in which i'm doing the acquisition from a myDAQ on the analog channel.
i do have two instances of the "stop task" module but even when i'm using only one of them (the other is conditional to change "samples per channel" value), the error still pops out.
any ideas?
p.s. i know i haven't attached the VI itself, simply because it has quite a few dependancies without which it probably won't work.
08-30-2013 12:29 PM
Ensure you're not calling DAQmx Clear Task anywhere (you can try running NI I/O Trace at the same time). You can also use that tool to see what task handle you are passing around. If the handle is getting cleared, I'd probe some wires to see where it might be getting lost.
Good luck!
08-30-2013 01:04 PM - edited 08-30-2013 01:06 PM
i am calling DAQmx clear but only after i've stopped the task (only doing it once after the unconditionaled instance), at which point the VI stops.
i migh've missed something but maybe once i stop a task it also clears it? (doubt it but who knows...)
08-30-2013 01:37 PM
That's what I figured...so I would try NI I/O Trace running at the same time (it's a debugging tool)
08-30-2013 04:35 PM
tried using the NI I/O trace but it shows me the exact same message as did the simple error out dialogue...
i know "where" the error is occuring i don't need to figure that out, i can simply run with "highlight execution" turned on and i know.
and while all my tasks have names, the NI I/O trace showed me "unnamed task error"...
08-05-2014 12:34 AM
Dear abenigma, have you solved your described problem? I have the same problem at the system where are attached two usb DAQ cards.
I've also found out, where error occured (not always at the same instance and at botk cards) but I can't find the reason for the error. It always occurs at digital reading. If you solve a problem, is it a possible to deal the solution with me please?
08-05-2014 09:35 PM
It looks like this thread is old. I think it would be better idea for you to make a new thread in order to gain more traffic
06-28-2021 08:45 AM
That solved my issue. Thanks !