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To obtain temperature versus time graph

Iam using daq assistant in lab view to measure temperature of thermocouple where iam getting the results in form of amplitude versus time graph instude i want the temperature versus time curve so plzz help me out in finding my desired output

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Message 1 of 3

Please explain the problem better.


  • Do you want to change the label of the Y axis from "amplitude" to "temperature"? Have you tried to just rename the axis?
  • Do you have a scaling problem converting voltage to temperature?
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Message 2 of 3

Please attach your VI.  It may be something as simple as right-clicking the Chart and changing the X Axis "name" to be "Temperature".  Note that this assumes that the Hardware device you are using reports its values in the appropriate units, such as degrees F or C.  Looking at your code will help us to better understand what you are trying to do, and thus make it clearer how you should go about doing it.


Bob Schor

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Message 3 of 3