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Where can I sell my myRIO

I'm currently about to enter the process of prototyping a custom smartwatch using Intel's Edison platform, but I need money to continue all of this. I was looking around on my workbench, and I noticed my sad little myRIO just sitting there gathering dust in it's box. It has only been used for one project that I later moved to a UDOO for more hardware consolidation. I haven't had much success with it, and I don't think i'm going to do another project using it. The community isn't very large (No offense, I still appreciate the support from the few members that actually knew what they were talking about), it's too closed sourced, I hate LABView, and the fact that you can only program the FPGA with LABView, hardly ANY C/C++ support or examples, and it doesn't support Java (The language I know best). Does anyone know where I can sell my myRIO other than ebay? Is anyone here interested in buying it?

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Message 1 of 5

Hi jeremiahb,


I’m sorry you did not enjoy your experience with LabVIEW and the myRIO. While I agree that the community is still new, it could be a great opportunity to be a contributor to its continued growth. As for the FPGA, there are options for integrating VHDL code if would like to use other code. Also for the C code, did you try the FPGA Interface C API? This includes help files with details on the functions and several examples. I know it is not all encompassing but it is usually a good starting point. Much of the other help can be found at a number of popular online programmer forums for C/C++ specific coding as well as the Linux communities.


Regardless of the direction you choose to develop on, good luck with your future applications!



Best Regards,

David C
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Message 2 of 5

You wouldn't happen to know about any Java support would you?

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Message 3 of 5

Hello jeremiahb,


At this time the myRIO only has support for two languages--LabVIEW and C. You might be able to try calling LabVIEW methods with Java by using it as an ActiveX server.


For the most part I wouldn't recommend this as it can be very tricky to implement. 

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Message 4 of 5

Have your studies given you the impression you'll be free to tell future employers they need to transition from their software towards Java because you only want to learn one language?


You've spent a lot more time avoiding picking up one of two languages, including one that isn't all that different than the one you favor.  If you had spent a fraction of that time working with what's available, you'd already have succeeded.


I am a bit curious.  What were you looking to get for your myRIO?

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Message 5 of 5