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how to read these by myrio GY-521 and RFID-522

Thank you for your help and i'm very sorry for all these question.


I modify the register of a project in ( NI myRIO project-guide >> Part II - NI myRIO Mechatronics Kit )

but there are a lot of register in pdf. i want to tell me what the necessary from all to read x_y_z ACCEL only.


thank you very very much.




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Message 11 of 12



You've been told the answers you seek are in the manual.

Someone went and Googled the manual for you.


Now... READ IT.  You need to know how the GY-521 responds to messages.  The company that makes it handles that.  You claim you know how to put together the 2D array.  It's relatively easy if you READ THE MANUAL.  If the manual lacks that information, you need to reach out to the company that makes the sensor.  Contrary to your belief, the people on this forum don't have every sensor ever built memorized.  I'm not sure how else you can be told to READ THE MANUAL.  But, you should READ THE MANUAL.

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Message 12 of 12