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Retrieve data in OPC UA Notifier Event

Status: New


We try to connect on "EXTERNAL" opc ua server (like injection press, data acquisition systems, ..) that generate custom notifiers.

The weakness on OPC UA toolkit is that it is a closed environment.

I am able to connect the toolkit on the notifier and catch the event with actual tool, but all data of the event (plots, values, ...) are unreachable (UA expert show them).

A very simple Python code is able to retrieve these data, but there are out of the labview environment, and as it has to create a thread on the notifier, I am unable to run such structure through the Python tools in LabView.


Some example:


A shortcut of ENGEL structure


Event registration need filtering, ENGEL


Event registration need filtering, Kistler COMO Neo



Data in each event, Kistler COMO Neo


Thanks in advance.