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The only way to edit the order of VeriStand workspace screen pages once they're created is to edit the cryptic XML file where screen pages are referred to by numbers. I'd like to be able to reorder the screen pages from within the workspace. Thank you.

Editing the NI VeriStand Workspace is a very time-consuming job. Especially after arranging a huge number of controls and indicators it is a pain to drag and drop each object in order to move the whole arrangement to another place.


Improvement:  If the user could mark multiple objects at one time he could move them all together. The selection could be done by holding the Shift or Ctrl key or just by framing them with a selection box.



You can not choose multiple Workspace objects to move in VS 2011, so it is time-consuming to organize the Workspace. I hope that 1. you can choose and move multiple objects at the same time  2. you can align object by alignment tool like below images.






There need to be a way to select multiple objects and move them around on the Veristand Workspace.  Moving multiple objects using coordinates is just too cumbersome.



Current Workspace Controls display only text, but it is not easy for users to recognize which is which. If icons display together, usability must be improved so much.






When you resize the Workspace in the current version of NI Veristand say to half the width of your computer screen, if you need to read a numerial input or numerical display or a dial on the other side of the workspace you would have to maximize the workspace. It would be nice to have horizontal and vertical scroll bars such that when you resize the NI Veristand workspace you could view the other half of the screen with out maximizing the workspace again.



In VS 2011, font of Workspace control label can not be changed. If you can change the font and size on item property window as below image, it is better for users to arrange Workspace. Moreover, I hope that the label would support multi language 🙂







Currently the avaliable Controls and Indicators are not enough for some projects using verisatnd. Since most of the user's doesn't have labview to create, it is better to have more generic controls and indicators.



Most of Workspace Controls, like nob and bool button,  are not resizable. Resizable controls will allow user to organize Workspace easily.


Kind regards,

