A user group is a virtual space for people with common interests or goals. The South Sweden LabVIEW User Group is the user group for us located in the south part of Sweden. The user group will meet regularly to discuss various LabVIEW programming techniques, technologies, application design patterns and much more. The meetings will be held in Lund.
Information about the LabVIEW User Group in West of Sweden, and for the meetings held in Gothenburg, can be found here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/South-and-West-Sweden-LabVIEW/gp-p/5384?profile.language=en
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Time: 15:30 - 17:00
Location: Online (Google Meets)
15:30 - Introduction
Presenter: Peter Norlén, Axis
15:45 – Version Control System
Presenter: Stefan Davidsson, DVel
16:15 - Q & A
Ask LabVIEW or related questions for the group to answer or discuss.
Moderator: Peter Norlén, Axis
16:45 - Summary and plans for the next meeting
Presenter: Peter Norlén, Axis
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.se/e/south-sweden-labview-user-group-meeting-october-2021-tickets-176901917397