Midlands LabVIEW User Group

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Welcome to the Midlands LabVIEW User Group Community Page! Argenta are delighted to organize this on behalf of all LabVIEW enthusiasts across the Midlands and beyond. We meet three times a year at various places with a packed schedule of speakers, demonstrations and coding challenges!

Upcoming Meetings

Our meetings are open to all LabVIEW enthusiasts whether you are currently working with it or are a student on an engineering course who is keen to learn more.

To book a place all you need to do is book via our Eventbrite events, links to this will be provided via our mailings and blog articles. If you would like to sign up to receive updates then just send an email to mlug@argentaconsult.com.

Wednesday 14th October - from 1.00pm - TBC/Virtual Meeting - details coming soon

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a User Group?

A user group is a virtual space for people with common interests or goals. The user groups within the NI Community are segmented in to different categories such as Local User Groups, Product User Groups, Special Interest Groups and Partner Groups. Within each of these groups you may collaborate with others on best practices, plan in-person meet ups, or discuss any topic of your choice.  

Where does the Midlands LabVIEW User Group meet?

Lots of different places! We are sometimes hosted by a member of the group whose company allows us to use their on-site facilities, other times we collaborate with local Universities and involve students or we have in the past hired meeting rooms. We are always located in the Midlands, whether that be Coventry, Warwick, Solihull or Birmingham.

Do I have to pay?

No! The User Group is free to join and attend, Argenta as hosts pick up any additional costs that may be incurred. We do welcome any offers to host the User Group which may be facilitated by your place of work.

Do I have to attend every meeting?

No, we appreciate that it's not always possible to get time off work or authorization from your company. Some of our members come every time and others come when they are able to.

Is there a way of catching up on the previous User Group meetings? 

Yes! After each User Group we will put together a summary blog which where possible will include links to presentation documents - this is available on our website in our Community section. We also stream and record each User Group on our YouTube channel - just search for MLUG and subscribe.