CSLUG - Central South LabVIEW User Group (UK)

Members (191)
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We meet every quarter in Newbury and talk about LabVIEW, projects and stuff. We won Best Advanced User Group at the LUGNUT awards NIWeek 2015 and the User Group Excellence Award NIWeek 2017. We stream and record our content.

Introduce Yourselves


Media Links

We like to put names to faces, click the link and tell all about you. Here is the link to the intros page.



As we have members all over the shop we like to post as much as poss. Here is the link to the media page.


Upcoming Meetings

CSLUG have the following dates booked for 2020 12:00-14:00ish. Look out for a registration link near the time. If you register we can arrange the right amount of food!

  • Tuesday 16th March 2021
  • Tuesday 8th June 2021
  • Tuesday 28th September 2021
  • Tuesday 7th December 2021 - Register Here