The current Device Driver Installer dialog is not obvious to use. First of all you have to figure out which drivers that you need for your products and then you would probably prefer to remove other unnecessary drivers. However, this is a tedious process with a lot of dependencies.
I have seen many people just installing everything (with its drawbacks) to be safe, eventhough they only needed the NI RIO driver.
I'd like to see a more user friendly dialog where drivers are automatically selected.
My suggestion is that the user instead filters out the drivers on a product level like this:
Let say you choose Modular Instruments. Then next page could let you filter on what type of instrument you have; Scopes, FlexRIO, DMMs, RF, Switching etc...
One of the buttons in the bottom would be something like "Add more products?" so you could iterate this process and finally all needed drivers would be filtered out.
What do you think?
/Pelle - NI Sweden
Pelle S
Account Manager
National Instruments Sweden