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     I am using CANCardX, i installed drivers of CANCardX & i have all the LabVIEW library files installed in LabVIEW 7.1.
But when i try to transmit & receive data, i am not receiving any data.
Please help me to solve this problem 

I am using LabVIEW7.1
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

I believe the CAN card you are using is manufactured by Vector, and they also provide the LabVIEW API for it, so it's not actually supported by NI. I don't have any experience using that card, so unfortunately, I can't really be of much help besides asking that you make sure you check your connections are fine, and that your cable is terminated correctly. You should try contacting Vector to see if they can help. Good luck!


Message Edited by _Belle on 05-26-2006 03:44 PM

Ebele O.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

The vector card has a DLL, you can interface to it with Labview using the DLL, the documentation for the function calls should be in the user manual.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10
Hi developer,

Even i am using the labview and vector can card. I dont have the dll to establish the communication between Labview and vector can card.
The vi's which u have attached has many bad sub vi's.
can u send it again. Also pls send the required dlls for the same.
It will be helpfull if send the procedure to do the same.
my mail id is

Thanks in advance,

Message Edited by YogeshaYS on 06-04-2008 04:25 AM
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10
Hi Yogesh,

As explained by dhuff, there is a DLL provided by the manufacturer which you can use to interface with your device. Unfortunately dhuff posted this 2 years ago, so it's unlikely that he would be replying to this. I think the best bet would be for you to contact the manufacturer of your CAN card and see if they can provide a DLL or some driver VIs in order to communicate with it.

Good luck!
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10
Hi Rasheel,

I have got the Vector CAN card.
I have also downloaded the vetor driver VI's. But its not working, as it accepts the CAN messages signal by signal and not a message as whole.
So, can u guid me to get a dll created in c or any other language that i can use.

Thannx in advance,
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10
Hi Yogesha,

Unfortunately I am not familiar with your card and have not worked with it before, so it'd be difficult for me to guide you in doing this. Have you tried contacting the manufacturer of the card to see what you can do?
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10
Hi Rasheel,

Yes i hav contacted the manfacturer i.e. VECTOR, i got a package of API's and it will accept signal by signal and not message.
So, i am thinking of creating a dll from a c or c++ language.
If u have ay dll rearding the same, pls send it.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10
Hi Yogesha,

Unfortunately I do not have experience working with the CANCardX to do that.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10



I'am interesting in buying CanCardX. It is impossible to buy it as new, so I'am finding some older one.... Do you know about something?

I have a software, which works with CanCardX and due to different library it doesn't works with newer version CanCardXL. I also don't have the source code of the software....


Thanks, Jan

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Message 10 of 10