I deleted the call to ncReset() and don't have more the error of configuration is missing, but the internal error persist.
Few questions please:
It's sure than ncReset clears the two ports??
Then... why the function needs the port name as parameter??
I'm not sure for the moment, buf if possible that the internal error will be fixed when i syncronize the two applications and dont' call nican.dll functions at the same time. I tried it into my PC and (if the applications are running together-without the call to ncReset()-) the internal error be comes again into my face, directly from the card to my eyes.
But if i run the two applications blocking the calls to the nican.dll functions the problem will be missing. And this dangereus and ugly words: "Internal Error" are lost of my view.
So, i hope that this combination: delete ncReset() and block calls from the 2 applications to the driver will be the final solution of my problems with 2 Ports CAN Boards.
I like to do some test with bloking and calling ncReset function again, but now i don't have any card here. I will test this one after the weekend.
God say: One call, not problem. More calls, any problems or pay tax.
PS. Fun weekend!