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Is NI XNET support Container-PDU for CAN-FD??

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I'm really appreciated if someone help me out whether NI XNET support Container-PDU which is probably introduced with release of  AUTOSAR 4.2.1.


CAN FD with dynamic multi-PDU-to-frame mapping


my customer request these features, so any infomation or tips (workaround or future release plan) would be greatly appreciated.


thanks regard

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Message 1 of 6

I'd like to know too as I have the same problem to solve !!


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Message 2 of 6
Accepted by topic author Iniesta_Luján

XNET 18.5 currently offers limited support for AUTOSAR which includes the use of basic system signals. PDUs are also supported if and only if there is a 1:1 relationship between frames and PDUs. The following two pages describe XNET's current support for PDUs:


XNET does not currently support PDUs that violate the 1:1 frame mapping rule or special PDU types such as Secured, Dynamic, or Container PDUs. These features are on our backlog and we are working to implement them in a future release. 

Jeff L
National Instruments
Message 3 of 6

Hello Jeff

Thanks very much for your clear explanation.

I'm looking forward to hear future update for AUTOSAR support.


Could I ask one more question related to Automotive network.

Do you have any plan to support ADCS for Flexray,especially UDS?


LiDAR module is often supported UDS on Flexray, so I'm interesting in future update for ADCS.


thanks regard


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Message 4 of 6

The short term roadmap for ADCS does not currently include support for FlexRay.

Jeff L
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
@JefeL wrote:

XNET 18.5 currently offers limited support for AUTOSAR which includes the use of basic system signals. PDUs are also supported if and only if there is a 1:1 relationship between frames and PDUs. The following two pages describe XNET's current support for PDUs:


XNET does not currently support PDUs that violate the 1:1 frame mapping rule or special PDU types such as Secured, Dynamic, or Container PDUs. These features are on our backlog and we are working to implement them in a future release. 

Are you sure the statement above is true?

According to the help page below, it says "The read-only XNET Cluster PDUs Required? property is useful when programming traversal through the database, as it indicates whether to consider PDUs in the traversal." 

And it seems that if PDUs Required? is true, you can have PDUs mapped to the other frames and include multiple PDUs in one frame.


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Message 6 of 6