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NI-XNET CAN Bus Communication

Hello I have recently bought NI-XNTE 8502 USB Card. I want to send and receive CAN frames 3 sending frame (8 byte)  and 3 receiving frame (8 byte) periodically. Please could you advise me simple draft example project?

- Can I use single Single In Single-point or  I have to use Frame Input Single-Point Mode ? 





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Message 1 of 3

That should be fairly simple to do.  Take a look at the "CAN Signal Input Single Point" and "CAN Signal Output Single Point" examples (Help > Find Examples...).  You will have, at least, one session for the input and one for the output.

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Message 2 of 3


As I understood from your statement I can use "CAN Signal Input Single Point" session configuration for the receiving multiple (Mbox-1, Mailbox-2, Mailbox-3) at the same time, right? 

I have tried "CAN Signal Input Single Point"  configuration in my example GUI, I am sending frames (Mbox-1, Mailbox-2, Mailbox-3) from DSP to Labview but I am not receiving anything from Labview. Whenever I dis activate any 2 of the frame in DSP such as Mailbox-2 and Mailbox-2 than I am receiving Mailbox-1, also the other cases are same, so I am able to receive only one frame ( Mailbox) in my case. I have defined all 3 Mailboxes in Labview also DSP side with all the same Signal configuration. Please could you advise me what is the problem and how I can receive multiple frame at the same time?

Thank you




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