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Read Data from RFID and USB-6000



As part of a mini project, I would like to retrieve the information from an RFID tag and display them on labview.

I have a NI USB 6000 and a RC522 RFID card.


The communication is SPI, but I don't unterstand how to implement SPI in my diagram.


The most commun problem is from the clock and the sample clock from DAQmx timming who tell me I can only use "on demand" (but it doesn't offer this option ! )


I've tested many and many VI diagram, but I not able to get something.


I've also tested to generate clock (@2Mhz) with an Arduino Nano to use it with the NI USB 6000 but unable to use it. 

I don't want to use an Arduino in my final project.


I'm very new with labview and some help would be very appreciated!


Any help or suggestions please?


Best regards,



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Instead of USB´6000 I would recommend USB-8451 for SPI communication , the last one has a dedicated hardware and  library to implement SPI in a easy way in Labview or CVI.



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Message 2 of 3


I also notice the RC522 RFID supports serial communication, just get a usb to serial adapter and  use labview sample code to get the data.

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