10-18-2019 09:05 AM
Hello, I am trying to establish an XCP connection over CAN FD and I do not have access to some of the properties under the ECU Toolkit such as "mcPropCANIOmode" then "2—mcCANioMode_CAN_FD_BRS". Notice the Enum grayed out.
My current system is as follows:
1. LabVIEW2018 SP1 f3
2. ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit 19.0
3. NI-XNET 19.1
4. NI-CAN 18.0
Is there anything else I need in order to have access to these properties?
Thanks in advance.
10-22-2019 03:05 PM
the CAN FD props should be visible with your software stack. Have you tried starting with a fresh new VI or reinstalling ECU MC toolkit? Is this a VI which was created using an earlier version of ECU MC toolkit or is part of a LV library?
10-23-2019 06:55 AM
Hello kayfh,
I did try a new VI and nothing. The ECU toolkit (v19) was freshly installed from v15 for the first time to try to solve the issue.
I am not sure what you mean by your last sentence, but basically as it stands now, I have a blank VI and I do not have access to all the property nodes that should be there.
Thanks for the reply.
10-24-2019 10:35 AM
It looks like uninstalling the toolkit and reinstalling it solved the issue. Just strange because there was never any errors during the installation.
Thanks for all the help.